Coffee culture using themed ceramic cups

Finjal collection from Saudia airline to show Saudi Arabian coffee culture from 5 regions in Saudi Arabia The post Coffee culture using themed ceramic cups appeared first on Green Prophet. Finjal collection from Saudia airline to show Saudi Arabian coffee culture. When you don’t know a place it’s easy to think that it has no …

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Is eating honeycomb good for you?

This review of existing studies on eating beeswax or honeycomb showed an antimicrobic effect of beeswax against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger: “these inhibitory effects are enhanced synergistically with other natural products such as honey or olive oil.” The post Is eating honeycomb good for you? appeared first on Green Prophet. …

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How excess CEO pay affects us all

The effects of over-paying become dramatic over a lifetime for any company trying to create a sustainable business of any kind. Real effects include reduction in workers wages compounding into lower savings compounding into lower investment levels and compounding into generating lower income from investments. The post How excess CEO pay affects us all appeared …

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Top 10 Pay Packages for American CEOs

How do you profit from this? Use it as a benchmark of honesty. When a company says in bold print, “we value our employees” and then pays its CEO a gross amount for non-performance and pays employees a living wage, you can understand the limits of his/her words. The post Top 10 Pay Packages for …

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Ants can perform life-saving amputations

Florida carpenter ants (Camponotus floridanus) bite off injured nest mates’ limbs to save them from deadly infections. It’s the first example of animals other than humans performing such life-saving amputations. The post Ants can perform life-saving amputations appeared first on Green Prophet. Tel Aviv is becoming a sustainable city by focusing on pedestrians and noisy cars. …

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These robots build solar panels in farmer’s fields

The start-up is pioneering the development of advanced robotics technology and artificial intelligence for use in agriculture and climate management. The post These robots build solar panels in farmer’s fields appeared first on Green Prophet. Tel Aviv is becoming a sustainable city by focusing on pedestrians and noisy cars. Hurried honking is a thing arguably invented …

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Saudi Arabia discovers seven new oil and gas fields

Saudi Arabia’s energy minister announced Aramco’s discovery of seven new oil and gas deposits in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province and Empty Quarter. The post Saudi Arabia discovers seven new oil and gas fields appeared first on Green Prophet. Tel Aviv is becoming a sustainable city by focusing on pedestrians and noisy cars. Hurried honking is …

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